The work is intended to display my creation of self-motivated AI patterns from the particle physics properties available to me through the sculpting platform blender 2.8, by editing and randomising the settings within the particle vertex groups within the objects field the particles movements become internally generated and by editing the collision physics of these particles to respond only to each other the particles are able to create and generate their own patterns and movements, after observing the patterns of the moving spheres an obvious digital pulse becomes seen as they particles move from the poles of the object
What does it mean for something to be considered artificial intelligence? AI can be regarded as inaccessible and has been argued by theorists to be anti-human. I would argue that the inclusion of these 'cyborg technologies' is paramount to humanity's progression and the larger society. The rejection of the fluidity in the patterns of technology for the binary naturalist approach, especially surrounding gender and sexuality, hinders society's advancement at large. This us vs them attitude goes against the lived existence of those who exist outside and within minority groups, a more digitised presence in everyday life by allying with AI technology would allow for an acceptance of partial identities as well as these contradictory standpoints, allowing both material and opaque in one body.
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